Ah, Season Four! How you did sneak up on me!
I will tell you now, dear readers, that Season Four might well be my favorite season of them all... but fret not, I still find loads of things about it deeply problematic. You're never in less than reliably cantankerous, crabby, and critical hands here at BOCS, I promise you!
In addition to reflecting on the Soulmate Question, Carrie is also contemplating her 35th birthday, which is almost upon her. She's... not too happy about the advent of said birthday! This lack of happiness is not diminished when the 35th birthday party which her friends seek to throw her results (through a series of mischances) in Carrie sitting in a restaurant all alone, feeling all alone--not just in the eatery, specifically, but also in the universe, generally. (Carrie, to the ladies, in the aftermath of Disastrous Would-Be Party: "I am 35, and alone..... I hate myself a little for saying this, but it felt really sad, not to have a man in my life who cares about me. No special guy to wish me a happy birthday--no goddamned soulmate. And I don't even know if I believe in soulmates.") Sorrow.
Oh, and before I move on from Carrie, I am compelled to mention that Big is also present in this episode--Carrie invites him to her birthday party. He doesn't show up to that, but does show up at her stoop (doesn't he know I'm the one who has dibs on going back there?) with champagne, and some birthday balloons. They talk about soulmates, and both conclude that Love is a Mystery, and neither of them has a clue about it. They enjoy the champagne, though, and one another's company in a pleasant, friendly way which does not seem poised to result in me wishing to kill myself. So... I'll take it!
Charlotte, meanwhile, is trying to figure things out with Trey. Should they get back together? Should they get divorced?? Is he her soulmate??? Charlotte doesn't know, on any of these fronts. Confusion--it reigns supreme. The only thing she is sure of is that when their last would-be tryst ends with something in the premature ejaculation vein happening on one of her pretty dresses, that she is displeased. Me too, the dress does not deserve such things!
But when she bumps into her married friend Shelia on the street one day, she doesn't feel like launching into her usual "ah, amusing, single me, what with my Bridget-Jones-like half-humiliating, half-entertaining romantic mishaps!" comedy routine. When Shelia reassures her that her One and Only Soulmate is definitely still out there, Miranda doesn't launch into her usual jokes on the subject, but instead unamusingly begs to differ. (Miranda: "Maybe, maybe not...I'm not sure I believe all that. Maybe there isn't someone for everyone.")
The Analysis:
LGBT Folks Watch: We hear Stanford's voice on Carrie's answering machine, apologizing for not being able to make Disaster Birthday Party--but that's about it. All right, Season Four is off to a raring start!
Charlotte Actually Taking Charge of Her Own Life, Rather Than Waiting For Someone To Take Charge of It For Her--Excellent! Watch: In her continuing efforts to try to make sense of her relationship with Trey (what is it? what does it meeeean?), Charlotte... actually stands up for herself, and works to take control of the situation, eventually asking Trey to stop calling her, to give herself some space to figure out what she wants and needs--and then she'll call him when she's ready to talk. Wow. The Charlotte of Season One would have dismissed this as radical, unladylike behavior of the worst possible description, and fainted away in horror at the very thought of doing such a thing. But the Charlotte of Season Four actually feels comfortable directly articulating what she wants and needs to the gent in her life, and not letting him be the only one to make decisions about the future of their relationship. Nicely done, Mrs. M!
Imagine, then, how pleased I am to see masturbation treated as... something normal and unremarkable in this episode. At one point, all four ladies discuss it (as part of their discussion of Sam's sighing over her Forbidden Priest, naturally, about which whole storyline... yawn, I don't care), with Charlotte taking part in this conversation in a way which makes it clear that she and the solitary vice are not strangers. And yet... she does not seem to have turned into the madwoman in the attic! Amazing!
"Are You Telling Me You Didn't See Those 'Don't Worry, You'll Find Someone' Looks?": Discussing Singlehood and Soulmates in Some Nifty Ways Watch: I'm not going to pull any punches here, my friends, I will tell you quite candidly, up front and without prompting, that I love this episode. Yes, the Sam plotline bores me to tears, and I feel badly for Charlotte, getting her dresses ruined by her persistently headache-making spouse, but besides that--I think there are many festive things on display here, most of which have to do with musings about singlehood, marriage, soulmate-hood, and social pressures and perceptions of all these things. Oh, Season Four, Episode One, how do I love thee? Let me count the ways:
As they do throughout the series, in this episode the writers are concerned with circling absolute declarations like that of the Engaged Lass (about the perfection of love, the instantaneousness of recognizing it, the indisputable existence of your one, true soulmate, etc.) with rings upon rings of question marks. They suggest that maybe things aren't quite so simple--Charlotte loves Trey, but that doesn't make their love perfect, or her absolutely certain that he's her soulmate. Carrie believes in love, but isn't sure that she believes in (as Charlotte puts it) "that one perfect person who's out there to complete you." Throughout the episode, all four women (okay, three--Sam is too occupied chasing her priest--good luck with that, Jones!) poke holes in the tidy "Now that I have found my one true love, my life is paradise!" narrative offered by the Engaged Lass at the beginning of the episode. And that kind of makes me love them.
Ultimately, this seems to be the perspective which the writers expect us to agree with--Charlotte gets her "perfect soulmate who completes you" idea rattled quite a bit over the course of the episode, as she continues to face imperfections from and struggles in her dealings with Trey... he's her husband, and she loves him, yet he doesn't seem to be giving her that sense of completion and perfection which the soulmate ideal promises... enough to make a gal think, now, ain't it? I do appreciate the writers actively questioning the ever-popular "you complete me" narrative here. Good times.
Stigma Against Female Childlessness: Let Us Acknowledge It! Watch: It is a small thing, really, but I also do enjoy the little "lightbulb over Miranda's head" moment towards the end of the episode, where she realizes that it's not just ladies who are single who face social pressure and disapproval for failing to conform to the "ideal" life model. The anxiety which her friend Shelia clearly feels about "explaining" her persistent childless state is very much like the anxiety which Miranda herself feels to "explain" her persistent single state--coincidence? The episode suggests not. From what Shelia says, it's clear that neither she nor her husband wants kids, but that she nonetheless feels the need to explain and justify this fact, in part by making self-deprecating jokes about it. Nice to see the episode showing these two women suffering from a case of what the series will later call the "should"s--Miranda is 35, she should be married! Shelia has been married for five years, she should have kids! Is that what they actually want? Ummmmm, who cares? Get crackin', ladies!!!
Next Up...?: "The Real Me" featuring Margaret Cho as a special guest star, and musings about female beauty and self-worth aplenty. Excellent!
And a lovely gray cape it is!!
ReplyDeleteI also love this episode, and season 4 more generally. And I actually enjoy Sam's storyline in this one - not for any feministy reason, but simply because when the foursome is sitting together having drinks and Charlotte says, "Samantha, your face is glowing, did you get a facial or something?" and Sam gives them all a happy, knowing look and says, "I masturbated all afternoon." It's one of my favorite SATC moments ever.
ReplyDeleteThank you, Kelli, I must say that I think so, myself! It is such serendipity that I got said cape right before viewing this episode, as otherwise, I would have been MAD with envy.
ReplyDeleteAnd that is, indeed, an enjoyable exchange, Christina--part of the whole "yes, treating masturbation as comic, but also treating it as normal for once, thankyouverymuch" thing. I also like Miranda's response to Sam's declaration: "Who has that kind of time???"