People of Color Watch: All right, so, as you may recall, in Season One, we had precisely five characters of color floating about the world of SATC (NYC has whitened out a lot since I was last there, jeepers!), not one of whom was a character of any real significance. And what of Season Two, you ask? [Blogger silently mimes doing a drumroll, to the consternation of those around her.] We have ten characters of color total, five of whom I would say are actual characters of note (i.e, the unnamed African-American deliveryman who speaks one line when he delivers Miranda's couch to her apartment--not a character of note, because although physically present, he plays no meaningful role in the episode/is not given an individual identity of any kind, shape, or description--Eileen, the African-American woman who becomes one of Charlotte's temporary "as a straight girl, the idea of me being friends with a lesbian is laughable--LAUGHABLE, I tell you, watch me laugh at the very notion!" friends--is a character of note, as she is given something of a personality/has major role in the episode.)
I am particularly troubled that only one of the men whom the ladies dates this season is not white--and said man (the sleazy club owner William) turns out to be a womanizing jerk, along the stereotypical "faithless Latin lover" model. Given that we have four female characters, two of whom (Charlotte and Samantha) are pretty much dating a new bloke in every episode of the season, I find it a leetle problematic that they seem to be making their dating decisions as though Loving vs. Virginia had never been. Is it just possible that a man not white might be a desirable partner for one of our four ladies...? It seems not.
In that vein, also unpleasant to me is the fact that when people of color do pop up in Season Two, they are often in a service industry of some kind/very definitely represented as not being the "peers" and "equals" of our leading ladies. There is Sum, of course, who is actually a servant, for the love of Pete, make it stop. There is the African-American mover. The African-American hostess. The Asian-American magazine vendor. The Pakistani bus boy. And so on, and so forth. When people of color are present, they are often there to serve our white heroines in some capacity. [Pulls out gum to try to take bad taste out of mouth. Gum is deliciously minty, but still... effort is unsuccessful.] Will Season Three be any better? Who can say? (I can say, actually, and... no! It won't!)
Okay, so, some numerical improvement here, but in terms of actual content? I feel that we have progressed not one inch--we might have actually stepped back a few feet. So, Stanford is still here, and Stanford is still very charming (I always love his outfits--there is a man who loves him some festive ties, and is unafraid of wearing dapper hats)--but as in Season One, he is definitely a "B'" character, who only pops up to back Carrie up about something, or to provide The Gay Male Perspective for we, the viewing audience.
Thing They Also Did in Season One Which I Continue to Enjoy Watch:
1) PROVIDING A PRETTY DARNED THOUGHTFUL AND NUANCED PORTRAYAL OF SINGLE WOMANHOOD. Much as in Season One, I will pat Season Two on the back (if seasons have backs... or fronts?) for offering a pretty darned complicated and interesting representation of female singlehood. Only a narrow sliver of what Singlehood Looks Like for the Modern Lass, of course (Singlehood for the White, Straight, Rich, Urban, and Childless), but still... a vision of what it is to not be paired-off in a paired-off world which I think is pretty darned rich and thoughtful. Maybe being a single woman in one's thirties has some joys, as well as some sorrows. Maybe getting married provides one version of Happily-Ever-After... and not getting married provides another. Very nice, SATC. Thank you for your continued support.
(Come to think of it, I shouldn't have even numbered "things they keep doing in the series that I really like" because... there's really only that one thing! Well, that and the continued "female friends often love and support each other, and are central to one another's emotional lives" thing. Very much enjoy that sucker, as well, especially in a culture in which images of lady-on-lady cattiness are so prevalent, and the "oh, I don't trust other girls, because girls are such bitches" idea is pretty darned dominant. Gahhhhh, that one drives me crazy! If all ladies are wretched, back-stabbing, drama-generating irritants, and you, being a lady yourself, are saying this... do we not see some contradiction there? It seems not.)
Anywhoozle--to the negative!
1) GENDER ESSENTIALISM MADNESS, WHY DOES IT NEVER STOP? As in Season One, I am consistently irritated in Season Two by moments (and, indeed, long stretches) of "men and women are so difffferent, it is because our biooooology" type chit-chat. Isn't it interesting that these supposed rock-bottom, bred-in-the-bone differences are ones which consistently serve male interests/uphold male privilege? It is so wackily and inexplicably coincidental! I can make neither head nor tail of it! Men are naturally averse to commitment! Men are hard-wired to date lots and lots of different women at once! Men are innately sexually aggressive, and women are not! Men are incapable of doing domestic labor, or compromising their manly selves in any way! Men are natural cheaters! And so on, and so forth. This might just be my feminist paranoia coming to the fore, but... does anyone else see something of a distasteful pattern here? It's like one of those old, headache-making Magic Eye books... squint really hard, and Patriarchy and Inequality dressing up as Science and Fact will pop right out! (Or... that might be a kitten, I'm not sure.)
New Things They Are Doing Which I Have Begun to Find Distasteful Watch:
So glad that they've added some new things to their repertoire! Except--wait, no, I'm not, I'm really not!
1) CLASS POLITICS=PAIN. Of course, Season One was filled with implicit distasteful stuff about class--"Unless you are rich, please enjoy being invisible in the SATC universe! Let us often discuss how 'poor' Carrie is, even though she clearly has enough money to buy designer clothes, live in a nice apartment in one of the most expensive cities in the world, and go out every night!"--but I think that Season Two makes that unpleasantness explicit. The best/worst example of this, of course, being Charlotte's open "we live in a stratified society, that's just the way things are/will always be, just accept it and stop dating plebs" declaration. Yeeeeesh. If the writers' goal was to normalize and erase class inequities, and to suggest that our hierarchical culture will never change because of Forces Beyond Our Control, then I would give them full marks. Otherwise... boo, I say, and additionally--hiss.
So... Better than Season One? Worse Than Season One? An Apple to Season One's Orange? What??? Watch: Hmmmm. Let's turn this one over to Pro and Con, shall we?
Pro: I like that Season Two is longer than Season One. Means that they had more scope to develop long-standing story lines, delve into a variety of issues, explore a variety of scenarios, etc.
Con: Ummmm-hmmm. It also means that they had more time to do some severely annoying things. Have you not read the rest of this post? Lots of troubling stuff to be seen, no?
Pro: True, true, true. But you have to admit that, despite said troubling stuff--they have started to flesh out and complicate the characters a bit more, haven't they? Made them less "I Am the Conservative/Slutty/Bitter One!" and more "I'm An Actual Individual, With Some Internal Complexity!"?
Con: Okay, yes, they have. But only up to a point, mind you. Charlotte is still the Relentless Voice of Tradition, Samantha is still The One-Note Hypersexual One, etc.
Pro: Yes, yes, yes. Miles to go there, I will concede. We still have to flesh out the characters, delve more deeply into complex, emotional situations, confront that pesky little thing called reality in more depth and with more consistency. But... the clothes are still really fun, yes?
Con: Amen to that, sister.
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