Oh my goodness, it's the season finale. However did we get here??? I feel like it was but yesterday that I was telling you about how Carrie was dating a fetching Yankees player and we were pondering whether or not all straight men were freaks. (My answer is still no on that one, by the way. And I still retain the fervent hatred of the Yankees which my parents instilled in me from my infancy onwards, as well, in case you're interested. [Ducks to avoid any and all objects thrown at self by angry Yankeephiles.])
All right, so, why don't we start at the Least Interesting part of this episode, and then creep ever closer to the Least Least Interesting part of this episode, as we proceed? (I ask you if this plan seems suitable, of course, but since it's my blog, I fear that I shall arrange my summaries purely according to my own whims, even if you feel this is a very unwise/undesirable organizational schema. My apologies.)
The #1 Least Interesting Story Line in This, Our Season Finale: And the winner is... the one belonging to Miss Charlotte York! Give that girl a round of tepid applause! Turns out, Charlotte used to love going horseback riding when she was a girl. (Charlotte, engaging in an activity historically reserved for aristocratic lasses who have wealthy folks? You shock me.) But then she got thrown from a horse this one time, and never, ever rode again. So, she has decided to face her fear and get back in the saddle. [Insert obligatory, heavy-handed metaphors about how "getting back on the horse" literally can also mean "getting back on the horse" figuratively, in terms of taking risks in love after having been gravely wounded in the past, here.] She hits some bumps in the road, but by the end of the episode is happily cantering around Central Park. Happy for her and all, but still... not really all that interested. Pretty horse, though!
The #3 Least Interesting Story Line in This, Our Season Finale: Ladies and gentlemen, please put your hands together for... Miranda Hobbes, Esq.! Miranda's plot line is pretty interesting, actually--interesting, that is, if you have yet more stomach for the writers jerking you around by shoving one of our heroines back with a man she had previously dated earlier in the series. Which, given that this is Miranda and Steve (yay, Steve!) we're talking about, rather than Carrie and Big (boooo, Big)... I, for one, do!
But perhaps you, clever reader, are quicker on the uptake than I. Perhaps you have already guessed that their friendship quickly segues into them not so much embodying the ideals of Plato as it does them sleeping together? If so--give yourself a star, you are dazzlingly insightful, as ever! Soooo, in the wake of said sleeping together, are Miranda and Steve still just friends? Friends with benefits? Going to give dating another shot? They don't know! We don't know! And... end season. A nice puzzle for us to, er, puzzle over in Season Three...
All right, so, Carrie has been thinking a lot about whether or not she might be able to be just friends with Big. (All together now: "NO. YOU. CAN'T. Did someone replace your breakfast cereal this morning with crack or what, woman???") She calls him to suggest that they give friendship a shot. He agrees. They are having a lovely "isn't it delightful being just friends?" brunch, when it emerges that Big is engaged to his new, 26-year-old girlfriend Natasha, whom he has known for a mere handful of months. Of course he is.
Big subsequently calls Carrie to apologize for dropping this Engagement Bomb on her so abruptly. Carrie accepts said apology. Big subsequently invites her to attend his and Natasha's engagement brunch. (What is it with these people and brunch???) Your move, Bradshaw! She declines to go to the actual event (good girl), but walks by the venue (The Plaza, of course--beloved venue for shotgun engagement events for the rich and famous throughout the ages!), and bumps into Big. Of course she does.
Carrie then has an epiphany--the problem with Big wasn't that she somehow "wasn't enough" for him, it was rather that she was too much for him--too independent, too complicated, too challenging--for a bloke looking for a lady cut from a much more soothingly traditional, "I will happily defer to your wishes at all times" cloth.
Musing that one day she'll find a man who will delight in her complexity rather than be terrified by it, Carrie turns her back on Big and WALKS AWAY FROM HIM. Halle-bloody-lujah. (Don't you dare even think about the Big plot lines which await us in Season Three, people, this is my happy time, will you not allow me one brief moment of joy???)
Person of Color Watch: The hostess who seats Carrie and Big at their fancy-pants "we are just friends, please observe how friendly we are, oh my goodness, I hate you, who tells their ex-girlfriend they are engaged to someone else out of the blue, in public, anyway???" brunch, is African-American. So she quasi-counts for our tally--physically present, but with no meaningful lines/role in the episode... and of course, represented not as a peer and fellow diner at the restaurant, but rather as a member of the staff. Lovely.
Friendship Between Women and Men: Impossible? Watch: In the ladies' discussion about whether or not Carrie and Big can be friends (which... why is this even a discussion??? An inanimate carbon rod could tell you that they can't, for Pete's sake)/straight women and straight men can be friends in general, Samantha declares that "women are for friendships, men are for fucking." (Awwww, can I get a pillow with that embroidered on it for my next birthday? So touching!)
And Miranda and Steve can't be just friends, because their feelings for one another are actually quite a bit messier and more complicated than simple friendship allows for. Fair enough! Such things happen, to be sure, both in the world of fiction and the world beyond it. I'll allow it.
And so if I am the judge in the case of "Do the Writers Need to Be Slapped Smartly Upside the Head for Irritatingly Suggesting That Heterosexual Women and Heterosexual Men Are Either Dating/Sleeping Together/Married, Or Rightly Have Nothing Whatsoever to Do With One Another?", I rule in favor of the writers. (I know, for once, in my life.) But only for the purposes of this episode, mind you, after this... all bets are off!
Now, I heart Jane Austen's novels as much as the next raging Anglophile with a nineteenth-century bonnet fetish, but doesn't it get a bit monotonous that they allll end in weddings for allll of their significant female characters? And I don't mean to single out Aunt Jane alone here--the majority of narratives about heterosexual women's romantic lives (past, present, and likely future) tend to end with our heroine happily settled down with The Right Man, and embarking on a pleasant life of Happily-Ever-After... after which we never see nor hear from her again.
Now, I am aware that a large part of this desire to leave loose threads a'hanging at the end of each season is less "let us subvert dominant narratives about women's romantic lives!" and more "we need to hook viewers to come back for the next season! I want to buy that second boat, dammit!!!" But still... I find it quite pleasing.
Pat Field, Sometimes You Make Me So Happy With The Clothes You Pick Out Watch: And in that whole "SATC disrupting conventional romantic narratives/expectations/imagery" vein, I feel compelled to note that Carrie wears a white dress to her "I'm not coming in, I just wanted to take a moment to feel relieved that it's not me who's about to marry you" drop-by of Big's engagement party. WHITE DRESS, people. What better way to say "Although playing with the traditional iconography of brides, weddings, and marital bliss, I stand here as an unmarried lass, pleased that I am not marrying a man incapable of loving me, or anyone," after all? The sartorial symbolism there might be about as subtle as a sledgehammer, but still... love. It.
Carrie, walking away from her run-in with Big at his engagement brunch, reflecting on why things went wrong betwixt the two of them: "Maybe some women aren't meant to be tamed. Maybe they need to run free, until they find someone, just as wild, to run with." Sweet cracker sandwich, that may be as cheesy as Velveeta, but I adore it, nonetheless.
Next Up...?: We take stock of Season Two before diving head first into Season Three. How many queer characters of note were there in Season Two, you ask? What were the charming high points and dreary low points of Season Two, you inquire? What ought we to make of Season Two in the final analysis, you demand? Return to me on Friday, and these (and all other questions not actually asked by you, but rather by me, pretending to be you) shall be surely be answered!
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